I decided this year I would only visit a pumpkin farm if there were doughnuts provided. I asked friends for advice and they told us to go to Swan’s Trail in Snohomish. There were doughnuts. I was happy.
There were also chickens. Pippa was happy.
Oh, and I guess there were pumpkins too!
Our costumes were GNOMES.
Specifically, David and Lisa the Gnome, from the TV show, “David the Gnome.”
Hardly anyone remembers this show, so we had a fun time at the Trunk-or-Treat telling people we just really like Shrooms.
I meant to get a much better picture of Pippa’s cute little getup, but this was pretty much all I got. I made her apron with no pattern, the hour before our Residents-with-families party. Not bad.
Pippa was thrilled with the idea of Trick-or-Treating. She would eat candy all day if we let her. Too bad Micah enforces a strict tax on all earnings from Halloween.