Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I want to make.

I decided maybe I should try my hand at making a quilt. My problem is that whenever I decide to make something, I get really ambitious and want to do something totally out of the ordinary, and beyond a “beginner’s” level. Basically, I’d like to make something like this:


Too ambitious? You’ll probably say “no!” and think “YES!” Oh well. It’s something to aspire to at this point. My goal is to make something cute, maybe even awesome. I’ll let you know. At least I finally finished sewing the bedroom drapes.


Erin said...

I give you mad props. I am like the most untalented artsy crafty person ever! And as for the quilt, if you put your mind to it, i'm sure you will make something at least somewhat close, maybe even cooler!

E B said...

I would say yes and think yes! That is a crazy hard quilt. Anything with curves is SO much harder to make into a two dimensional blanket. I quilt straight lines, only! But it's your time and frustration, not mine- if you really want to, go for it!

Lily said...

That is truly beautiful. I believe in you!!

Krischelle said...

Dude, you could totally do that! I stick to squares and rectangles because I am too afraid of doing anything that's not straight-lined, ha!

Elise said...

Those tiny pieces look like an impossible, never-ending nightmare! (For me. Maybe for you. That's for you to decide.)