Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Totally addicted…

I know Easter is over but I just had to make a few more since all the dyes are out. IMG_4252





Now they all look so happy together.


Erin said...

You are so artistic! If I even made an attempt to do something like that, well it would fail... horribly!

Jess Hammond said...

You should know that these are a little bit cooler than you think. And I know you know they are cool.

krebscout said...

These are so pretty that I've had them open on a tab on my browser for days because I felt silly bookmarking them but I wanted to look at them more.

Good job.

Jacquie Valentine said...

Betsy those are awesome! They look so much like the ones I got in Ivano! How are you? Congratulations on your new baby!!!