Monday, November 7, 2011

November the seven

Today I am grateful for organization. You might not think a right brained artist type to think this way, but I need organization in my life. I honestly cannot think in a cluttered house. Yes, art (and creativity in general) is messy sometimes, but I think a lot of artists use that as an excuse not to clean up after themselves.

Personally, I think the best artists are the most organized ones. Yeah, some were psycho and cut off their ears and were legendary and whatever, but I don't want to be like them. I want an ordered life. And a house where everything has its place. Even the bathroom. I put shelves there just other day. Nothing fancy, but it's neat, and I like it:

1 comment:

Krischelle said...

i agree. i need organization. and i love white shelving! :-O